9×Ü̽»¨ math consultants' goal is to improve math achievement for all students within a strong MTSS system. Consultant support helps to build a school learning community engaged in studying and promoting growth in math while focusing on improving student achievement. 9×Ü̽»¨ offers a variety of services in the area of math. Math consultants provide the following:
- Consulting and coaching of evidence-based instructional approaches
- Support in the development of a strong MTSS system within schools
- Learning opportunities in effective instructional practices in mathematics
- Facilitate the use of standards to drive instruction to ensure a guaranteed, viable curriculum
- Data analysis and interpretation of screening, progress monitoring, summative and formative assessments
- Assistance with curriculum development
- Support for selecting instructional materials
- Sharing of research and resources connected to current educational developments
Learning Progressions | Eight Effective Math Teaching Practices
Five Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematical Discussions | Curricular Resource Review |
Interwoven Supports
- Ongoing professional learning or booster training.
- Structured time to support reflection, collaboration and planning (Teacher teams and leadership)
- Classroom modeling and debrief
- Classroom observation and debrief
Contact your 9×Ü̽»¨ Math consultant or Regional Administrator for additional assistance.