
two girls working on robots

Open Minds, Open Doors

STEM Career Conference

9×Ü̽»¨ is pleased to offer the Open Minds, Open Doors conference in collaboration with Coe College and AAUW. Accompanied by a teacher from their school, students will attend three career workshop sessions, panel presentations, and an inspiring keynote address. The conference will provide students with information and resources supporting STEM-related careers and career paths.


Registration for Open Minds, Open Doors is channeled via communication with middle school and junior high counselors. If your child is homeschooled or attends school online, please contact Susie Green (319-399-6775) for registration details.
  • Conference Date:
    Thursday, October 12, 2023
    9:15 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
  • Location: In person at
  • Fee: $20 per student (limited to 400 students)
  • Online Registration: Scheduled Sept. 7-22, 2023

Presenter Information:

We are looking for 2023 conference presenters! by August 25, 2023 and join the list of businesses who have supported the Open Minds, Open Doors conference for over 25 years!